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Auto Rental Agency 1 + 2 (2015)
Microsoft Gold Partner 2021 -> 2024
Food & Drug 1 + 2 (2015)
Microsoft Gold Partner Accenture / Avanade 2024
Investor 2016 –> 2020
Packaging 1
Packaging 2
Packaging 3
Medical Devices & Hearing aid 1
Medical Devices & Hearing aid 2
Medical Devices & Hearing aid 3
Microsoft Gold Partner 2020 -> 2021
Air pollution / filter
Management and technology consultancy
International Banking
Financial Services (one of the big4)
Audit (one of the big4)

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The contact details for each testimonial will be disclosed during our face-to-face meeting and we encourage you to contact past and present clients, before signing our Client Contract.

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